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5/9/18 Day 290 AT Day 50: Camping near a road after another great day

Miles: 21.6 Steps: 42,351 Elevation Gain:3,875 Feet Another amazing day out here! I took off early and was just loving the hiking. Some beautiful ridge walks, great people and a late night chatting away! Got some trail magic from the staff of Hikers Haven! Almost unbelievable how kind those folks were! Thank you!!!!! Ran into Pioneer and Mickey at one shelter and I loved talking to them. Pioneer hooked up some trail magic for Murph and myself which was well appreciated! The last few miles were through rolling pastures. Beautiful greens and just a pleasure to enjoy! Thanks Appalachian Trail. Camped with Murph and Taylor. Not the most ideal spot: close to the road, lots of garbage, and houses close by, not to mention the very slanted ground, haha. Oh well, it was fine. I ended up staying awake past 11 as Murph and I are just two chatter boxes. We heard something large moving around breaking sticks in the woods which was interesting and perhaps a bit scary but we weren’t able to figure out what it was. So fun staying up late and hanging out and just having a grand old time. Love me some AT Trail life!

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