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Day 188:  Horseshoe Mesa Grand Canyon, back to the rim and Flagstaff: 1/27/18

Miles: 3.7 Steps: 9,379 Vertical gain: 2,703 feet Liquid consumed: 96 oz. Wildlife: Last night I awoke to a mouse trying to chew into my food! She failed! Glad my food bag is critter-Proof! Faith in Humanity: awesome German family who gave me a ride back to the car! Another great day! I woke up, packed up, and was on the trail before 8am. I was thinking I’d likely have to walk to the rim then hike the 12 or so road miles back to the car, unless I could find someone at Grandview Point to offer a ride... The hike was quite nice! Mostly north facing so there was quite a bit of snow most of the way. Not Deep snow, but consistent snow later on the trail. A tiny bit icy at some parts that may have encouraged me to put on my traction devices if I was going downhill, but going up it wasn’t bad at all. Didn’t see a single person on the trail which was a tiny bIt surprising since Grandview point is so popular, but then again not so surprising due to the snow. Up, up, and up some more is the nature of any trail to the rim! I took my time and enjoyed the views! I made it to the rim wishing I had more time below the rim . But I knew: in only a few short days I get to go on a 3 week river trip through the whole park! Yay! Excitement level is extremely high! I was planning on just walking back to the car, but I saw an RV and they immediately stopped and offered me a ride! A cool family from Germany exploring the American West National Parks for a couple of weeks. Thank you so much for the ride! Back to Flagstaff to prep for the raft trip!

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