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5/28/18 Day 309 AT Day 69:  Waynesboro to Shenandoah National Park!  Park #15!!!!!

Miles: 21.4 Steps: 46,663 Elevation Gain: 5,126 feet I hit my 15th National Park!!!! Walk The Parks has been quite the epic adventure so far! Although at times things do get quite challenging both physically and mentally, when I hit a new Park I feel great! Shenandoah National Park has a bit more subtle beauty than most other parks I’ve visited. The mountains are beautiful, though similar to surrounding areas. Great idea to conserve more of the Appalachian peaks though, as the Eastern part of the US is quite population dense so all protections help maintain natural beauty. The hostel gave myself, Hoback and Goldilocks a ride out of town fairly early. My pack was heavy with the addition again if too much food, but I was really excited to enter the National Park! Hiked 21 miles to Blackrock Hut where I camped with Nomad, Opie, Ducky, Tiba, Beaver, Butter, Murph, Taylor, and several others. We played some card games and enjoyed each other’s company. Ahh, how fun the simple hiker life can be! It rained quite a bit and more was in the forecast...

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