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Day 143: 12/14/17 Baker, NV to Wah Wah valley

Miles: 65.3 Steps: 35,884 (it really depends where I keep my phone while cycling! Vertical gain: 3,016 ft. Liquid consumed: 96 oz. Wildlife: Cattle, sheep Faith in Humanity:didn’t talk to anyone but quite a few cars waved to me on the road! Getting better at this cycling thing! Today I slept in and didn’t hit the road until 9:22am. It felt real good to just relax a bit and I wanted to have a relaxed day with minimal pressure to make miles. Just get as far as I get... Another thing I’ve learned is I need to relax. Haha, I need to apply relaxation to many aspects of my life, but today it’s bike touring. Just spin the gears, don’t ever push. I’ve got alllllll day... This actually worked really well today. Long gradual hill was nice to start the day (30 miles of it!) I put on a ton of clothes and enjoyed speeding down, nice and toasty warm! The coyotes are loudly howling as I type this. I’ve also been interrupted a ton of times turning off my phones screen to try to stay stealthy in my super exposed campsite. I did walk Way off the Road quite far though so feel pretty confident in my spot. Looks like it’s supposed to be pretty cold! Brrr.

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